Information about the processing of personal data by the Amt Arensharde in the context of the registration for school transport.
1. who is responsible for data processing?
The person responsible for data processing at Amt Arensharde is the head of the office (Amtsvorsteherin), Hauptstraße 41, 24887 Silberstedt.
2. Who can I contact if I have questions about data protection?
The data protection officer of the Amt Arensharde is available to answer any questions regarding data protection. He can be reached as follows: Rathausmarkt 1, 24837 Schleswig, e-mail: datenschutz(at),
phone: 04621 814 136/137.
3. For what purpose and on what legal basis is my data processed?
The Amt Arensharde collects personal data in the procedure for processing your child's registration for school transportation with subsequent issuance of a district-wide and year-round student annual pass from the Verkehrsgemeinschaft Schleswig-Flensburg. The legal basis for this processing is found in Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c) and Para. 3 Sentence 1 lit. b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: "DSGVO") in conjunction with § 11 of the statutes of the Schleswig-Flensburg district on the recognition of the necessary costs for school transport.
4. Will my data be passed on?
As part of the processing of the application for school transport, the data will be passed on to the transport company responsible for issuing the corresponding annual school transport pass:
a) DB Regio Bus Nord
c/o Autokraft GmbH
Sachsenfeld 4
20097 Hamburg
5. How long will my data be stored?
The Amt Arensharde stores the personal data from the time of collection for the duration of the processing of the application for school transport. The completed process, including the personal data, is stored for a period of five years after the discontinuation of the obligation to provide transportation, beginning on January 1 of the following year, cf. KGSt report on retention periods for local governments (Report No. 4/2006).
6. What rights do i have as a data subject?
With regard to the processing of personal data concerning you and your child, you have the right to information (Art. 15 DSGVO), the right to rectification (Art. 16 DSGVO), the right to erasure (Art. 17 DSGVO), the right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 DSGVO) and the right to object (Art. 21 DSGVO) vis-à-vis Amt Arensharde; the latter, however, only unless there is a compelling public interest in the processing. As the personal data is processed on the basis of consent, you also have the right to data portability (Art. 20 DSGVO).
If you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you or your child violates provisions of data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 Para. 1 DSGVO). In Schleswig-Holstein, this is the Schleswig-Holstein State Commissioner for Data Protection, Holstenstraße 98, 24171 Kiel, phone: 0431 988-1200, fax: 0431 988-1223, online complaint form:, e-mail: mail(at) (for instructions on encrypting e-mail communications, see
7. Am I obliged to provide my personal data?
There is no obligation that the personal data are provided. However, without the information provided, the application cannot be processed and ultimately the student annual pass will not be issued.
Version: April 2022